Sometimes you have to fall in order to learn how to get back up right ?!
Dr. Dawn sure knows how to work her magic !!! I’ve undergone ART (Active Release Technique) before, but from a different practitioner. I was already a believer of the practice since it worked for me in the past. ‘ART’ gave me hope and confidence to start running again.
My left knee has been bothering me ‘on and off’ for the last year and a half or so. With all the therapy work that I’ve gone through, I believe both ‘ART’ and biomechanical rehabilitation have helped the BEST.
I met Dr. Dawn through my running group. She offered a ‘free’ consultation and I was not pressured to sign-up with her before, during, or after. She left it all up to me to decide and commit on my own time and convenience. Since my only concern was the cost and my insurance can only cover so much, I had to seriously decide on which practitioner would be the best fit for me (both short and long term).
After my initial consultation, I must say my knee hasn’t felt this pain-free (knock on wood) in awhiiiiile ! Uphills/downhills used to be a problem, but lately it hasn’t been bothering me. Yay ! The uncomfortable sharp pain seemed to magically disappear.
How could that be after just one session ?
She worked on my leg muscles emphasizing on my hamstrings and areas of tightness. It sure was painful and at times I thought I’d end up with bruises from all the applied pressure. A few rotations here and there and she wanted to see me run before and after to feel the difference. She suggested a few tweaks in my form and landing as well. Wow ! What a difference ! Running felt almost effortless. That’s a PLUS, especially for long distance runners such as myself.
Dr. Dawn also has a SD Meetup group that consists of group runs and meetings regarding sports injury prevention and proper running techniques. Her practice is close to home and meetups are sometimes scheduled in and around my area as well.
Dr. Dawn really seems to care about her work and the well-being of her clients. She has educated me and continues to do so. I feel confident that her expertise and guidance will help me through a pain-free active lifestyle.
Dr. Dawn also specializes in chiropractic, acupuncture, and various sports injuries. Check her website and make an appointment. Highly recommend her !